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A lawless mauntain range

Atonia is a barren land, frequent tectonic activity makes permanent settlements a rare risk. Once home to the Orcs in the days of old, it is now overrun by Feral Barbarians, trolls, giants, ogres and beasts.

No single nation holds power over the Atonian Mountains, instead the land is caught in a never ending turf war between the various barbarian tribes and roaming beasts. The most contested lands being those along the coast, the straight between the Mountains and the fertile plains of Yuhil.

Legends claim even the Mountains roam in Atonia.

Atonia: About

Races of Atonia

Atonia: Guides

Feral Orcs

Some Orcs still cling to the old ways, scorning magic and roaming the mountains as barbaric raiders. Settlements are rare, often only lasting a few months. Settlements are used mostly as construction hubs, building boats and crafting weapons to raid the plains and then abandoned once the raids have completed. these Orcs only belongings are those they carry. While not truly feral they embrace the title proudly.

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